Judson Brandeis MD
The 21st Century Man - a new book by Dr. Judson Brandeis
Read all about Dr Judson Brandeis's new book, The 21st Century Man. The most important men's health book in more than a decade.  Dr. Brandeis and more than 50 of his colleagues educate men on how to feel better, look better and have better physical intimacy.
Judson Brandeis MD
The Health Benefits of Nitric Oxide
Learn about the benefits on boosting Nitric Oxide on brain, cardiovascular and sexual health.
Judson Brandeis MD
What you need to know about Testicular Cancer
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men between the ages of 20 and 40 and the second most common in young men between ages 15 and 19.  The chance of developing testis cancer in your life is 1 in 270. Fortunately, 95% of men are cured and the cure rate is higherll. F if the cancer is identified early. The risk of death from testis cancer is only 1 in 10,000 men if the cancer is caught early. Your testicles live in the scrotum and make testosterone and produce sperm. The two egg-shaped testicles shouscld be roughly the...
kelly Brand
Erectile Function and Blood Flow
The Back Story on Viagra Over the past 20 years, more than one hundred million men have taken medications like Viagra and Cialis (termed PDE-5 inhibitors) to improve their sexual performance. Ironically, the researchers at Pfizer, who identified the erectile benefits of Viagra (generic form: Sildenafil), were actually developing the medication to treat heart problems. By blocking the PDE-5 enzyme, they thought they would be able to open up the heart’s blood vessels. Pfizer was disappointed by the results of the early clinical trials of Viagra, and by 1993, the pharmaceutical giant was ready to abandon the project. However, an...
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